Inflicting love so murderously,
Mr. Dickins killing in the streets,
She'd scream an angel did this to me,
If only she could speak.

My beautiful girl,
Always so sweet,
Even through all this pain,
Still she cries for me.

All this misery,
Is causing you to see,
The way you've misbehaved.

I thought you'd like this poetry,
The way I tied our ribbon at your feet,
Remember? The one you gave me?
Now just memories lost in sheets.

Where others don't see a thing,
We see our twisted ancestory,
Conflicting history,
A golden thread pulled from our seam.

You deserve eternal peace,
But we musn't hurry,
If we're to get you to heaven,
We've got to first cure this disease.

Wreched, black, and wilting,
I'll cut out this piece,
We can't deliver a rotten apple,
That'll spoil everything.


I don't remember killing you,
But I know I'm guilty.
Where else could you be?
How can I trust myself?
What if all along it was just me?

Now it's night after night,
Sleeping with swine,
The softest skin you can imagine,
When you're biding your time,
Each opportunity is impassable.

Silver tongue sharpened blade,
Sliding in, you may feel some pain,
I'll savor the look on your face,
When I take all of it away.

Each blink a photo now,
Bodies strung up and mangled,
Bloodless, drained, and hollow.
Neck broken, twisted, strangled.

Lady Silence calling to me,
Eyes meet; They tell me everything,
Stripped of her clothing,
An angel fallen at my feet.

They're charming eyes no longer,
Blue lips as cold as Siberia,
Limbs stiff, rigid from struggle.


Remorse means nothing,
Deep down it's still rotting,
Now I know I tasted poison,
Her kiss infected every inch of me.

Standing in the pouring rain,
Even the darkest grey,
Won't stop this haunting,
Horrors I'll never escape.

Washing the dirt away,
Beneath nails that claw away,
From Earth above your grave,
Yet again no remains.
Another night searching.

Secrets wrapped in secrets,
Buried in pain,
That's how I ruin everything.

Inflicting Love

August 23, 2018